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Wow!! Endorse every word!!
One of my favorite mottos which helps me let go of anger and sometimes judgement– when all I really want to do is expand my precious energies by give that permission to be hurt and angry, then fight back. It’s a close kin to Letting Go and Letting God, another favorite”to live by”phrase that helps me to move on from another’s insensitivities. Good post!
Yes, absolutely. I do trust that God is taking care of all things.
It is amazing how freeing letting go of other peoples negative energy really is. It isn’t an easy habit to start but so worth it.
One of the most important truths to learn. Great post, Carol!
I love this age and having learned so much!
It’s so incredibly freeing to realize WE have the power to stop letting the crazies in or at us. I’ve lately had to flat-out shut out some extended family members who are (as they’ve been for years) too crazy for my currently frazzled brain and body. To protect and heal myself I had to separate… And, man, how nice it’s been to say “I truly and physically cannot take this shit right now.”
Yes and yes.
So true Carol. One of my favorite sayings lately come from Abraham-Hicks when she/he says, “Things are always working out for me.” This reminds me completely that as YOU say, “what goes around, comes around.” The vibration I put out always returns to me so stay focused on that. Thanks for this reminder. ~Kathy
I like the Hicks quote a lot.
Awesome Carol…I try to live this too but sometimes it’s still difficult to ignore.
I couldn’t always ignore, but I worked on it over the years. But this quickly? it was a surprise.
This would be an excellent way for me to live, and I’m working on getting there. At this point I’m still so shocked when people say and do things to be deliberately hurtful. Fortunately it’s a rare occasion when it happens.
OMG I do know that feeling of being shocked. It’s like, “seriously???”
The moment when you realize that no one can hurt you without your permission — love that and tucking it in my back pocket for safekeeping.
I love it, too.
I have framed on my desk a quote my yoga-practicing daughter wrote out for me: “It was not up to Buddha to pass judgment on his erring nephew; life itself would do that.”
Talk about deliberately hurtful actions: The nephew, as you probably know, tried to kill the Buddha. Life does take care of lots of bad stuff.
It’s self-correcting, life is.
This was beautiful….I have a dear, dear friend….a big time scientist who told me the earth also heals itself. For instance when there is a terrible oil spill, there are enzymes that “eat” the oil. There are very few things that permenently have an effect, the metaphor with humans is clear. We can heal, especially if we let things go and not pick at the scab. Beautifully said, this has been my lesson for the past decade. I am finally getting better.
Wow, how cool’s that about the earth?
On those days when it feels like one big experiment and a study of human behavior – ours, others, and how the they mix and mingle — it is nice to remember the equalizing power of the Universe and to have someone like you (OK, exactly you) to be carry that reminder!
I swear to God (ha) that my lessons have been so hard-learned, I really do feel compelled to share them. I mean, that was one steep learning curve for me!
You’re so right – and I’m working on it. Sharing.
That’s how I got there, too. By working on it.
Hi Lori!
My new mantra. Thank you! 😉
I have always loved the quote from the brilliant Eleanor Roosevelt that said you can’t let anyone hurt you without your permission. I’ve been working really hard on this one, but it’s not always easy.
I really do think it comes with experience.
The best thing about getting older is negative people in my life no longer get to me like they used to!
True, dat!
Who’s got the time, energy or NEED to fling negativity at you?! I don’t get it.
For a change, it’s not someone in my nuclear family. Yeah, I know, I was floored. At first. Then I had to look at the source.
I do like the sentiments! Unfortunately, it’s my experience that there are exceptions. Sadly, some people can hurt us – badly – regardless of attitude or beliefs. And the may be just fine afterward. The way we fight back and build back? That one is within our control, to a large extent.
Yes, I think that is true. But having had this experience lately–a reallly big betrayal, I can see my own personal growth in an area that has had a steeping learning curve for me.
Thankfully I’ve missed any drama but so glad you took a stand for yourself. When your happy in your own skin nothing much will get through. Good for you!
Carol, I’ve found that through my mindfulness training and yoga practice that usually I am my worst enemy. I try not to let others bring me down during my life after 50.
and when something bad happens? Is that karma?
When bad things happen we are challenged to look for the lesson, because the lesson is the reason.
If I didn’t believe in Karma and hadn’t been raised as a pacifist, boy oh boy would some of the world have to watch out. I try to remain positive, but sometimes it is hard. Where to they sell metaphysical fly-swatters?
I need to read this blog post every morning when I get up in the morning and every night before I go to bed.
I so believe this although the world definitely tests it on a daily basis.
Amen sister. You discovered another key. I learned this when I went through my divorce. Retribution (aka Karma) is an assured thing. You just have to step back and mind your own business…it really helps you to be fearless.
Oh, yes! I’m having too much fun being me to bother about ‘them’, Carol!
Great attitude and post ♥
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
Wayne Dyer
Thank you for sharing and for linking up to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. xo