What goes down the leash comes up the leash

November 22, 2011

I know it’s hard to believe, but Riley can be a moody little dog. I know it strains credulity.Because he’s cute as a button.

But he’s also moody as all get-out. You just can’t see it here.

Oh yes, I know it’s my fault, as in “what goes down the leash comes up the leash.” Because Riley has had the best training money can buy.

In fact, I could have bought a nice fat diamond with the money I’ve spent on training him. But I have a nice fat diamond already, so I’m ok with having spent it on Riley’s training.

Which didn’t take.

Because what goes down the leash comes up the leash.
That’s the theory, anyway.

This little dog gets the best of me. And it makes me feel like such a loser.

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