What I learned at BlogHer11

August 9, 2011

Nearly a week in San Diego — heaven — and a few impactful days with other women bloggers at BlogHer’11 were better than I could have anticipated.

BUT it’s wonderful to walk in the door and be greeted by Hebert’s hound howl and Riley’s excited yips.

What I learned at BlogHer11:

1. Women bloggers are truly a community.

2. There are more mid-life bloggers than I thought.

3. The founders of BlogHer were amazingly prescient.

4. I’m not sure what I want to do with my life at this stage, but I’ve come up with a few ideas to take on or reject.

5. I can’t wait until BlogHer12 in NYC.

and 6: I will never drive to southern California again.

2 comments on “What I learned at BlogHer11
  1. Jamie says:

    Can I just say that “prescient” is one of my favorite words and you used it perfectly in your post. And I feel the same way about driving to northern California as you feel about driving to southern California!

  2. I think we’re just over driving, right? 😉

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