What if love were the center of our being?

January 29, 2014


What if?

There IS no what if.

This is exactly what life is all about.

Our religion? It’s how we treat each other.

Our life puts it into practice.

Our words as prayers is such an awesome thought it overwhelms me.

Life does teach us everything we need to know, if only we pay attention.

All wisdom comes from self, doesn’t it?

And if love was really the center of our being,

if we let it be the center of our being?

What would the world be like?

Ganga White is a yoga teacher and one smart guy.

11 comments on “What if love were the center of our being?
  1. Karen says:

    Very well put, Carol.

  2. Diane says:

    Yep. I agree! Ganga White is one smartie! And so is Carol Cassara!

  3. Bouncin Barb says:

    It is so simple as a concept. We just need to put it into action. I have never heard of Ganga White before so this was a first however, after most books I’ve read on life after death, they reflect on life’s lessons and what we’ve learned and will continue to learn in the next life. Ganga’s philosophy fits right in.

    I’m on the right path already but have more to learn/practice. Thanks for posting this Carol!!

  4. Lovely! The older I get, the less complicated are my views about spirituality. This really gets to the heart of mindful living. Thanks.

  5. LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all! 🙂

  6. Susan Cooper says:

    So beautiful….. Many people live in the “what if” and not in the now. What a wonderful reminder. 🙂

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