Don’t do this in Hawaii

August 25, 2015

Top 5 things toNOT doin Hawaii

Obsessively post beautiful photos to social media.

Be in the moment with friends and nature. Social media will still be there when you return and you can post all your photos then. Enjoy doing nothing!

Text your friends back home.

In fact, leave your cell phone off or on airplane mode while you are enjoying the peaceful beauty of the islands. No need for chatter, it’s Hawaii!

Try to see all the sights in a few days.

The beach is waiting, spend as much time as you can doing nothing but relaxing on the beach..

Keep the same schedule you do at home.

Hey, it’s island time! No worries, no stress, nothing to do but …nothing. How luxurious!

Dress up.

It’s casual. Super-casual. Did I say casual?

I suppose you’ve already figured out that we’re on our way to Hawaii this morning, where we’ll be hanging out with friends at their place on Maui, doing nothing.

Although our dogs won’t be with us, we’re all dog people. You may remember my favorite Westminster dog, Rocky? We’ll be with his people, and also the people that belong to his son, Manny. So even though the dogs will be elsewhere, I’ll bet we spend some time talking dogs. That is, when we aren’t doing nothing.

Meanwhile, take a look at this post I did earlier in the year about Hawaii. And laugh.

9 comments on “Don’t do this in Hawaii
  1. PatU says:

    It’s impossible not to post at least ONE of those incredible rainbows.

  2. Jealousy is such a destructive thing – watch me implode! Thanks for the tips but not likely to need them stuck under an ever darkening sky in the UK! Have a wonderful time.

  3. Tunggulbuono says:

    Ahahaha..absolutely i will 🙂

  4. Have a WONDERFUL trip Carol and thanks for the advice. They would all be good if I could actually follow them! But one thing I realized for myself was how much enjoyment I get out of going through my pictures every couple of days and posting and sharing them on FB. It actually slows me down on a vacation so that I can reconnect with friends and family. I completely agree with the other four! ~Kathy

  5. Carolann says:

    Well Carol – that’s the life for sure. So very exciting about Rocky. I just adore that pooch. Have a wonderful do nothing, eat everything, beach going, casual wearing, no tech time 🙂

  6. Tammy says:

    ALOHA! Enjoy a tropical drink (with an umbrella, of course) for me! Great advice…happy to share that I follow all of it when I am on the big island & Maui.

  7. Haralee says:

    Have fun single tasking during 24 happy hours! I use to have to go on business to Oahu. First time I went, the office people there told me to dress more casual and be a chill mamma!

  8. On my way for a month of R &R in Hawaii this Oct. I think better follow your tips, Carol!

  9. Oh, yeah. Love the idea of being on a beach doing not much of anything. Maybe some reading. Maybe some swimming. Definitely applying lots of sunscreen. Hope you had a great time! (Because you won’t be reading this ’til you’re back, right?)

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