What would Riley do?

July 29, 2010

( the email feed omits the graphic, so go straight to the blog to get the full effect)

If you are a regular reader, you know that I have the cutest, smartest dog in the world.

So, I thought, why not share his wisdom with the world? Why keep him to myself?

Welcome to my new blog feature: What would Riley do?

Riley & I were talking about my post on customer service and Apple Computer.

Riley thinks that Apple should remember General Motors, whose customer service attitude was “They’ll drive what we make them.”

GM sales have gone down every year since 2000 and it filed for Ch. 11 in 2009. GM is now majority owned by the U.S. Treasury and Canada.

Can’t happen to Apple?

Riley says, “Uh huh…., well, if I were Steve Jobs, I’d be thinking about customers a bit more….”

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