When procrastination isn’t procrastination at all

October 29, 2012

Yeah, I so get this.

I am a HUGE procrastinator. That’s because I like my instant gratification instantly, and if I’m procrastinating, it means I’m putting off something that’s lower on the gratification scale.

A true statement. I am caught up on the laundry. The grocery shopping.  I’ve even staged Christmas gifts for packing and sending, and it’s only October.  Yes, no limits to what I can do.

Except for what I really should be doing. And I’m hard on myself for it, too.

I’m sure these are all valid causes of procrastination.

But then, I sat down to do what I’d been putting off, and it flowed like a river, like Class 3 rapids–moderate difficulty with passages clear.

And suddenly, an epiphany: I hadn’t been procrastinating at all.  I’d been mulling. Concepts had been steeping, like a deep, dark brew. Processing had been going on in the background all along.

Sometimes, putting things off isn’t procrastination at all. It’s giving thoughts, ideas and concepts a chance to work themselves out in my brain.

Makes perfect sense.

That’s my story, anyway, and I’m stickin’ to it.

4 comments on “When procrastination isn’t procrastination at all
  1. Nothing I have ever found in my life aids procrastination like social media! Great post.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Loved this post!

  3. Haralee says:

    I agree with you 100%.Pondering is close to mulling too.

  4. Yes, I must admit my best work comes after much mulling (and a looming deadline!)

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