Where did the years go?

April 12, 2013
Where did all those years go?
I’ve heard that twice in 24 hours–once in an email from my rebound ex-husband
and the other in a comment
a Boomer friend left on a blog post of mine.My rebound ex sent me some photos
including one of him
in his motorcycle leathers,
still cutting a fine figure
as he prepares to turn 70.

He was 37 when we started dating.
I’m not sure we could even fathom 70 back then.

Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday
we were in the drama of first love
playing spin the bottle?
Just a minute ago
we were young
starting our careers
or maybe having babies
Wasn’t it just the other day
that we found our first grey hair
got acquainted with choosing our hair color
realized we were very senior in our jobs
mourned the loss of our parents
or moved them into assisted living
Fast forward
our friends are retiring
getting sick
our bones creak as we get out of bed in the morning
We look at ourselves
through the lens of the young people
we once were
and realize that we’re aging
maybe even old
Where did all those years go?
Are they kept in a secret box somewhere
to be revisited when we leave this life?
or are they gone forever?
Where did they go?

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