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We have to do it Carol. Are very survival depends on it. Folks who believe this to be true need to speak up and shepherd the sheep to calmer fields.
Yes. it really is a challenge because people are polarized and stay in their silos.
Oh, such a battle between optimism and pessimism. I feel hopeful and then read one of his tweets and get depressed. Time will tell, but usually truth prevails. Let’s pray.
My key is that I do not read his tweets that often, I do not ever watch a whole news show or even a snippet and I just read WaPo and NYT. There, I can scan, skup but get the gist.
I see so much ‘humanity’ emerging. It definitely gives me hope. Of course, the selfish or just blind will always grab headlines. But quietly, in the background, I see so much good.
I pray it stays!
I am so glad for your view!
We’ve seen how ugly people can get. We’ve seen how caring people can get. But history has a way of surprising us in ways we can’t see until years later. I am less optimistic than you but I am also not an optimist by nature. There have been other pandemics in history, and good and bad have come out of them. I have not done an exhaustive study but one example comes to mind. I am not sure, for example, that the indigenous Native Americans saw good out of smallpox wiping out so many of them, and events that followed. I hope you are right for us, though.
I have no answers. I do have hope. Some of the time. Just some of the time.
It’s a choice each person gets to make for themselves. I’m on a fearless path and making every day count.
Fearless is saying it, girl.!!