Who’s got the last laugh?

November 2, 2009

Yeah, I know. Don’t try to hide it. All of you who laughed soo long and heartily over my addiction to hand sanitizer are now buying your own to avoid that piggy flu that’s so rampant around town.

I know it may have seemed a bit extreme to use it after the sign of peace at Mass all these years, but do you still think so now? after some epidemic-aware priests have not only stopped the sign of peace at Mass, but also prohibited congregant imbibing from the communal chalice?

I know. Don’t say it. I’m brilliant and foresightful.

I’m not embarassed to say that this cute little guy accompanies me everywhere. He helps me sanitize the keyboards at school. Doorknobs. Computer mice. Because students are coming down with flu in huge numbers.

He is my constant companion and if I avoid the piggy flu because of it, who will have the last laugh then?

You know who you are. Or, as the case may be, WHOM you are. Joanne. And darling husband. Among others.

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