Why I don’t vote in popularity contests

April 13, 2013

I love you, I do.
I love what you write, that turn of a phrase.
Your content is intriguing.
Visiting your blog or website is a highlight of my day.

I love also that you read my blog and comment on my posts.
Leave a thought on Facebook.
Retweet me.
And I’ll do that for you, I will.

But please, do not ask me to vote for you,
your blog
or your website
in one of those innumerable social media contests
that seem unending.

First, some of them ask for access to my social media or email account
or to make social media posts on my behalf.
And that will never happen.

Second, some of them have time-consuming and
difficult “captcha” systems that require a cryptographer
to get right.
I don’t have time to play with it.

Plus, I’m just not a fan of popularity contests.
There are just too many.
I think they’re meaningless
especially if you have to pimp for votes.
And I am just too busy to mess with them.

So, muwah!
Love you.
I’ll read your stuff
I’ll love you to death
but I’ll never vote in a popularity contest.
So please don’t email, call or text
to ask me.

Thank you.

One comment on “Why I don’t vote in popularity contests
  1. SG says:

    I don’t vote in popularity contests, because it’s all about dishonesty. Whoever was most successful at fishing more votes, not whoever deserves to win due to best work.

    And it’s even more annoying when ppl get offended when I explain why I wont vote for them.

    I decided that I will [i]never[/i] vote for anything anymore.

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