Why I travel

June 4, 2013

mom cheezckAfter zipping my suitcase shut and slipping my laptop into a carryon,  the last thing I did this afternoon was slip one of my mother’s rings on my finger to wear while I’m in London. As I did, I thought about the many things she didn’t get to do, partly because she died young at 74 but also because her vision of the world was so small.

One of my closest male friends commented that I’d been very peripatetic lately, and it’s true. We’ve been traveling like crazy these years. I thought about why.

I travel because my mother couldn’t. So many wonders in this world that she never got to see.  I see them for her.

mom dad wedI travel for my father, who devoted his life to his patients but who loved the travel he did get to do. Which by our standards wasn’t much, but to him, well, it exceeded the expectations of a middle son of illiterate immigrant parents.

So as I zoom eastward over this continent and across the ocean and enjoy the sights, sounds and sensation of London, I’ll be thinking of my parents, grateful for the life they gave me. And I know I’ll pause many times during the week and wish I could show them what I’m seeing.

mom dad BRAnd of course, that’s just what I’ll be doing as I see the world through the eyes they gave me.

7 comments on “Why I travel
  1. London is fabulous. Good for you, getting to do the things you want. Enjoy!

  2. Amy Morgan says:

    Beautiful post – and that last line – well that one brought a lump to my throat. Safe travels to you and enjoy!

  3. Anne @GenFabulous says:

    When I was sixteen my mother took out a small bank loan so I could go on a package tour of Europe. It cost less than $2000, but it has been worth a million dollars.

  4. Somehow I think they ARE seeing things with you on your travels. The old saying, “When you concentrate on calling the person, or “talking” to them, or smiling and thinking of them – they’re aware of you doing that and are with you”. I believe it. Plus they don’t get frisked and groped by TSA agents … which is a major reason I travel.

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