Wilde on prayer

August 31, 2012
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Prayer must never be answered;
if it is, it ceases to be prayer
and becomes conversation.
 ~Oscar Wilde
I have to admit to a great fondness for the sharp wit of Oscar Wilde.
So when I saw these wildly ironic candles,
I was reminded of this quote,
something he (supposedly) said in conversation.
Oh, if only I had his talent for the bon mot!

But let’s talk about prayer for a moment.
Because I think all prayer is conversation.
Even intercessory prayer.

Our Source does respond.
We just have to listen really, really hard.

Sometimes it’s just a heart knowing.
I’ve had that experience, once or twice.

I remember being in my late 30s and despairing I’d ever find love.
One day, a knowing came over me.
I can’t explain it. I just felt it.
The message was
It’s going to be a while, but it’ll come.
Live your life and don’t worry about it.
I’m taking care of it.

And S/he did.

I love conversations with God, don’t you?
(Mine seem to always happen in the car.)

Have you had one you want to share?

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