A few of my blogging friends are posting some version of “what’s going on in my life now.” I like reading them and getting a little taste of what their days are like. My drafts of something similar haven’t felt exactly right, but inspired by other bloggers, I’m going to try it. Here’s a window to my world right now:
Every day…
…for three weeks last month I visited a dear friend in the hospital. She had been laid seriously low with an infection her body is having trouble fighting off. Those visits were the center of my day and sometimes twice a day. And while I am equipped to be a support to someone in this situation, it is still painful to see someone I love laid so low. She’s home now, so getting better. Yay! All prayers and healing thoughts welcomed.
Consumed by..
the inconvenience of the kitchen and family room renovation which is beginning soon. Our kitchen will be gutted; it and the family room will be unusable for a couple of months. Getting there has been a long process and not a whole lot of fun. Our original designer was hit by a two awful family tragedies, which were terrible for her and also meant we had to find a replacement at the very last minute and try to bring a new person up to speed. I don’t have as much patience as I should for all the detailed decisions that must be made, either. I’d like to wave a magic wand and have it all over with.
more TV than I ever have in my whole life and mostly on DVR. Scandal, which has completely jumped the shark. Grey’s Anatomy, which I still love, no matter how soapy (or sappy it gets). State of Affairs has gotten a bad rap and so has its star, Katherine Heigl. But we love it and I think she’s a good actress. Oh, and of course, the usuals: Project Runway, Downton Abbey, the cooking competitions. Yes, I’ve learned stuff on them.
Our book group is reading The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan.
For play…
I was desperate for some time to myself so I took a two-night retreat in San Francisco last month. Girlfriends and I played a bit and I read and wrote. In the old days I did this all the time and I miss it. Badly.
watching Riley learn scent work; he’s a real little worker bee and gets so excited to “find it!”
Can’t get enough of home-made chicken soup. But last week I made salmon with peach salsa, doesn’t that sound good?
a couple of essays simmering on the back burner right now, and I worked on them while in San Francisco.
my friend’s full recovery….the day our renovation is over…the month of October in Santa Fe…feeling less stressed.
That retreat sounded like much fun. And I get how you feel about the kitchen, but no worries because when it’s done you will be excited to have a whole new kitchen to play in! I am looking forward to the pics!
Looking to an upcoming trip. I have a couple of close friends who are seriously ill and applaud you for giving support to your sick friend. It is painful, but so important to the friend in need.
As nice as this was to read, I’m thinking it must be a telling piece to write as well. Salmon with a peach salsa sounds wonderful. But a month in Santa Fe? Be still my heart.
I like the whole concept behind your post and enjoyed learning about your life. I can very much understand the frustration you feel with the renovation snafu. My husband is a cabinet maker/master carpenter, so I see the other side of the process when there are changes in a job. It’s frustrating for all involved- but none more than you, the home owner.
I’m anticipating the end of May where I’ll get to meet a dear blogging friend!
Sounds like you have a very full schedule! What I would like most to do is have a full day (or more than one day) to just SEW…this means I need to get caught up in my freelance work so I can take time OFF from that to sew!
I agree, these are always fun to read, and I appreciate you sharing what’s going on in your life. So glad your friend is feeling better, and I’ll send good thoughts her way. I also hope that your kitchen remodel goes quickly and smoothly!
Ugh! Renos. First the pain. Then the fun. Hmm . . . sounds like life! 🙂
Prayers and healing thoughts definitely going out to your dear friend!
I’m just getting ready to start reading the book Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James. Really anticipating that one!
Sewing costumes for yet another play. Just finished making a boatload of pies. (Whew!) Babysitting and more babysitting. And writing when I can squeeze in five minutes. And have I mentioned that I’m trying to learn the cello? Well, that’s getting squeezed in, too. Just reading this makes me tired.
But I love it all!
I can tell by reading your blog regularly that your friend’s illness has touched you. How could it not? So thanks for sharing everything it is touching within you. As for your kitchen and getaways, yay you! While I haven’t traveled a ton, I’ve been to Santa Fe. Love all of the art galleries! That is something to look forward to, just as I am looking forward to my trip to San Fran in July (and meeting you). LOL.
I’m also looking forward to seeing my son at the end of the month. I’m taking a quick trip to Nashville….a reward for dealing with some rough things I have to deal with this week.
Desperate for warmer weather. The South should already be in the 70’s daily…was 48 just two days ago…UGH!
Also desperate for getting my inbox finally cleaned up and putting finishing touches on a new program…and for some recreational reading (I keep starting 3 or more books and then forget what I have read in all of them…another UGH!(
Did a major renovation 6 years ago…husband did all the work himself…worth every penny, so I hear your inconvenience. I think it will be will worth it and not take THREE YEARS like mine did (of course he was working full time as well, so not going to be too hard on the man!)
Work has a way of eating up precious time :>)
Love this glimpse into your life! I have a lot of TV to catch up on but have been watching a lot if documentaries lately. So many good ones. And yay for Riley! Would love to see him at work!
It’s supposed to be 81 here today and just beautiful so I am not waiting for anything I am taking my laptop outside to the patio and working there for the rest of the day. Tomorrow is hubby’s birthday so we have a big celebration planned. I hope the renovations go smoothly love what I’ve seen so far and I can’t wait to see the finished project! San Francisco sounds wonderful. I love to have about a week to myself like that.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
I love comments, so if something resonates with you in any way, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by–oh, and why not subscribe so you don’t miss a single post?
That retreat sounded like much fun. And I get how you feel about the kitchen, but no worries because when it’s done you will be excited to have a whole new kitchen to play in! I am looking forward to the pics!
You know I will share them!
Looking to an upcoming trip. I have a couple of close friends who are seriously ill and applaud you for giving support to your sick friend. It is painful, but so important to the friend in need.
We are all in this together, so being there IS important, yes!
As nice as this was to read, I’m thinking it must be a telling piece to write as well. Salmon with a peach salsa sounds wonderful. But a month in Santa Fe? Be still my heart.
I am happy my friend is doing so well and that is what counts. Yes, SF. OMGosh.
I liked this glimpse! Thanks!
I like the whole concept behind your post and enjoyed learning about your life. I can very much understand the frustration you feel with the renovation snafu. My husband is a cabinet maker/master carpenter, so I see the other side of the process when there are changes in a job. It’s frustrating for all involved- but none more than you, the home owner.
I’m anticipating the end of May where I’ll get to meet a dear blogging friend!
A master cabinet maker is worth his weight in gold. Ours does meticulous work and we are so happy with him!
Sounds like you have a very full schedule! What I would like most to do is have a full day (or more than one day) to just SEW…this means I need to get caught up in my freelance work so I can take time OFF from that to sew!
I get it. I ran across some of my craft stuff and wish I had time.
I agree, these are always fun to read, and I appreciate you sharing what’s going on in your life. So glad your friend is feeling better, and I’ll send good thoughts her way. I also hope that your kitchen remodel goes quickly and smoothly!
Lana, your good wishes for my friend mean a lot!
Ugh! Renos. First the pain. Then the fun. Hmm . . . sounds like life! 🙂
Prayers and healing thoughts definitely going out to your dear friend!
I’m just getting ready to start reading the book Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James. Really anticipating that one!
Sewing costumes for yet another play. Just finished making a boatload of pies. (Whew!) Babysitting and more babysitting. And writing when I can squeeze in five minutes. And have I mentioned that I’m trying to learn the cello? Well, that’s getting squeezed in, too. Just reading this makes me tired.
But I love it all!
I can tell by reading your blog regularly that your friend’s illness has touched you. How could it not? So thanks for sharing everything it is touching within you. As for your kitchen and getaways, yay you! While I haven’t traveled a ton, I’ve been to Santa Fe. Love all of the art galleries! That is something to look forward to, just as I am looking forward to my trip to San Fran in July (and meeting you). LOL.
I’m also looking forward to seeing my son at the end of the month. I’m taking a quick trip to Nashville….a reward for dealing with some rough things I have to deal with this week.
Desperate for warmer weather. The South should already be in the 70’s daily…was 48 just two days ago…UGH!
Also desperate for getting my inbox finally cleaned up and putting finishing touches on a new program…and for some recreational reading (I keep starting 3 or more books and then forget what I have read in all of them…another UGH!(
Did a major renovation 6 years ago…husband did all the work himself…worth every penny, so I hear your inconvenience. I think it will be will worth it and not take THREE YEARS like mine did (of course he was working full time as well, so not going to be too hard on the man!)
Work has a way of eating up precious time :>)
Love this glimpse into your life! I have a lot of TV to catch up on but have been watching a lot if documentaries lately. So many good ones. And yay for Riley! Would love to see him at work!
It’s supposed to be 81 here today and just beautiful so I am not waiting for anything I am taking my laptop outside to the patio and working there for the rest of the day. Tomorrow is hubby’s birthday so we have a big celebration planned. I hope the renovations go smoothly love what I’ve seen so far and I can’t wait to see the finished project! San Francisco sounds wonderful. I love to have about a week to myself like that.