Winter solstice

December 15, 2015


Winter Solstice

winter’s breath,
calls in the darkest of nights-
beauty black,
shortness of light.
the sun kisses the stars,
the moon embraces dark-
join now circle of women
our light we now spark.
circle of shes
we who gather in singing,
bring forth the night-
in our humble existing.
we sing of the barren branch,
the cold winter wind rising-
the darkest of nights,
our intentions now binding.
fire that burns our souls to blend,
the darkest of nights-
will soon slumber and end.
each day will bring us,
to the beauty of light-
ending the longest winter night.
in its dark beauty,
we usher in the light.
~Maureen Kwiat Meshenberg in her book Seasons of the Soul: Transitions and Shifts of Life

A beautiful gift available HERE and at Amazon.

Winter solstice this year is on Dec. 22.


30 comments on “Winter solstice
  1. T.O. Weller says:

    Thank you for sharing this piece Carol.

    I find myself more aware of the growing “shortness of light” than I ever have before, now that we live beyond the invasive and ever-present lights of the urban/suburban landscape.

    In a natural setting, the approach of the winter solstice is incredibly powerful and I can now understand why our ancestors were driven to create light ceremonies and celebrations. I’m feeling it deep down in the soul. It’s really something!

  2. Diane says:

    Love it! Love the ‘beauty black’ of the long winter night!

  3. Caroline says:

    This is lovely: I adore poetry especially seasonable ones

  4. Sheryl says:

    Beautiful words. So comforting, in a way.

  5. Laurie Oien says:

    Beautifully describes the winter solstice. Lovely and thanks for sharing.

  6. Beth Havey says:

    So lovely, Carol. There are things about winter that should bind us all together–we must HUDDLE IN THE COLD against fear and anger. We find strength in each other and we have to in order to make the world right.

  7. Linda schulman says:


  8. Oh what a wonderful gift this morning, Carol, thank you.

  9. Ellen Dolgen says:

    Thank you fo sharing it with us. Nature binds us together in so many ways.

  10. Sarah says:

    Lovely words, thank you for sharing 🙂

  11. Lovely. Both the poem and you. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Shari Eberts says:

    What beautiful words. I also love the photo. Thank you for this.

  13. You did a wonderful job of describing winter solstice! You are great with your words.

  14. Cara says:

    Great job! That picture is so beautiful!

  15. Carolann says:

    Beautifully written! Thanks much for sharing this inspiring piece!

  16. Julia says:

    This is a beautiful piece. Thank you for sharing. I think my favorite line is “each day will bring us to the beauty of light” 🙂

  17. Lovely! I wish we could have a coven, have someone recite this, then sit around a fire and drink hot toddies!

  18. andi says:

    what a beautiful stanza – it reminds us all of the beauty of Christmas 🙂

  19. Donna Hanton says:

    Carol, this is beautiful. Winter solstice is one of my favourite celebrations and this poem stirred my druid, celtic heart!

  20. Ari Adams says:

    Such a beautiful poem. I love the tone and imagery. Thank you for sharing this!

  21. Liz Mays says:

    What a beautiful expression of winter. Sometimes I don’t think of it as a beautiful season, but I appreciate this reminder. It IS!

  22. WendysHat says:

    I love this! I’ve always been fascinated with the seasons of life. To me Winter is beautiful when you’re warm inside looking out! Maybe it’s that way in life somewhat too. I’ve done it before and now I’m warm inside watching younger people live it!

  23. Elizabeth O. says:

    That’s such a lovely poem. Thanks for sharing it. Winter is such a beautiful season and it’s definitely one of my favorites. I guess I like the cold better than a hot summer day.

  24. Jonathan Key says:

    This is a beautiful poem about winter solstice. My wife would love this too.

  25. What beautiful words. Winter is a lovely season, though not many of us appreciate it.

  26. Beautiful words and also beautifully describes the winter solstice. Thanks for sharing!!

  27. Ligeia says:

    I grew up in Wisconsin and remember these moments most vividly from those days of my youth. I love her images of women gathering to usher in the light. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  28. angie says:

    simply beautiful I love living here in southern Illinois where we see all seasons. Your poem tells the story of one night which does not last long as the next day will be just a bit longer

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