Why inspiration is necessary

September 20, 2015

If I had a dollar for every inspirational wall hanging I saw I’d be rich. If I had a buck for every inspirational blog post, I’d be even richer. Why do we need these wise words, these reminders that happiness requires us to behave in ways that are just common sense?  I thought I’d break it down using this wall hanging that I found in Pier 1.

Live Simply

We complicate our lives needlessly. I’ve noticed that Boomers are now jettisoning the stuff that doesn’t serve them, but as we came up, “things” had so much importance. Looking back now, I can only shake my head.  A happy life is almost always a simple life.

Cherish Family and Friends

It’s hard to believe there are people who don’t do this but there are. I have them in my own family.  I always wonder how their life review will go when it’s time for them to leave this life.  I can tell you this: If you are a friend or family of mind, I don’t take you for granted. Cherish is a good word.

Believe in Yourself

OMG Boomer Women, please do see the beauty in your accomplishments and in the woman you are.  Life is moving on and if you haven’t believed in yourself yet, you’d better do it quick: you’re running out of time. Take that brave step you’ve been contemplating.

Laugh Often

My husband and I laugh every single day, and more than once. Laughter really is the best medicine for just about everything.

Love Lots

This should go without saying, but it bears repeating. It means more than just loving our family and friends. It means loving the world around us and treating everything and everyone with the love they/it inherently deserve(s).

It turns out that we DO need reminding, so it’s a good thing we have access to so much good guidance.

Talking about wise words, what wisdom resonates with you?

One comment on “Why inspiration is necessary
  1. Janice Wald says:

    Hi Carol!
    My husband and I laugh daily too–many times each day. I just read your bio on the side. I don’t think I realized we were both teachers.

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