Working at it

March 4, 2009

I used to think that you had to work at relationships.

But now, I’m not so sure.

Oh, sure, you have to work at not being so knee-jerk at reacting to things that might push your buttons. And if you have kids, I definitely think there are things you have to work hard at, because you’re sharing your time.

But I’m beginning to think that if you have to work hard at a relationship, it’s probably the wrong one. That the right relationship pretty much flows, as long as you have open communication. That the two of you are aligned. There is appropriate give and take.

I think the real deal is to have open communication. To be able to share good and bad things. To not be defensive.

To remember that it’s all about love.

No, I just don’t buy that “hard work” thing any more.

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