
January 3, 2018

worryWorrying about what might happen tomorrow robs us of today. Which is what Mark Twain knew so well about worry.

I know it, too. My mom was a world-class worrier and she passed her worry along to me. I fight it all the time. And sometimes I let it take over, which is  always a mistake.

I’m working with several hypnotherapy clients now who have let anxiety get the best of them. But they’re getting it in check. Panic attacks, too. Wonder if that might help you? Want to know more? Interested in downloading an audio that might help your own anxiety or panic attacks?  Check this out.

8 comments on “Worry
  1. Rena says:

    I’m a reformed constant worrier. I realized when I saw my daughter follow my well-worn footsteps that I had to change. It’s a constant fight.

  2. Carol I must have inherited my worry gene from my darling Mum. It can really take hold sometimes and Mark Twain was right talking about worries that never happened. Thanks for the inspiration as always. x

  3. Worrying can be so debilitating. It can keep you from meeting your goals. You are doing great work.

  4. christina says:

    It’s so hard not to worry, it became a constant after I had kids. One of the after effects of our family upheaval is that I now accept that I can’t control or even affect everything.As frustrating as it may be, it’s also very freeing.

  5. Wow, this is powerful. When I think back to all the things that I’ve worried about and then realize just about all my worries never came to fruition. Great post!

  6. Jess says:

    Worry and anxiety comes to me in waves. Some days I’m super stressed about everything…but some days I’m dangerously the opposite.

  7. Glenn Rector says:

    It is possible, however, for worry to become more confronting, emotionally, than these every day worries. If you are experiencing worries that are excessive, uncontrollable, or irrational, and have been experiencing these worries for an extended period of time, you may be suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

1 Pings/Trackbacks for "Worry"
  1. […] much time do we spend on useless worry? Over at Heart-Mind-Soul, Carol Cassara points out that worry can keep us from living a full life.  And she gives us a cute idea for a New Year prep […]

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