WTF moment when dog confronted with tap-dancing Christmas trees

November 21, 2011

Riley’s little Cairn terrier girlfriend, Lexi, and her mom came out with us the other night to the tree lighting at the Pruneyard Shopping Center in Campbell. (Riley is not able to deal with the commotion of crowds, especially at night, so he stayed home.)

The festivities included three women who tap-danced dressed as lighted Christmas trees. Yeah. No judgment.

Well, little Lexi had a head-spinning WTF moment when the music began. I didn’t catch her first double-take on camera, but did capture her looking at them, then her WTF looks back at us, here:

Later, she actually MET the tap-dancing trees. Here she is, with her mom:

After that, she had to contend with a giant plastic snow globe:

And after that, her mom took her home and probably gave her a bowl of water and a big Xanax.

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