A child was born / opening our hearts

December 24, 2013


A child was born in a manger, and whether we believe the whole story or not, in that moment, the face of the world changed.

We don’t always keep the reason for the season top of mind. For me, Christmas Eve is the time to do that.

Jesus was about peace, love, charity and forgiveness.  So this year, I’d like to do more to keep that in the forefront of my life.





And most of all: gratitude. I hope you’ll view this beautiful video about gratitude that my friend Evalyn sent me last week. I promise it will make your holiday.  And maybe your year.

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve, everyone. Thanks for spending a few minutes of it with me.

Oh yeah. And by the way?  Jesus was dark-skinned. Just in case that woman at Faux News still thinks he wasn’t.


4 comments on “A child was born / opening our hearts
  1. Corinne Rodrigues says:

    What a beautiful crib, Carol. And your words are so meaningful too. I’m wishing the same for myself.
    Have a joyous celebration of Christmas.

  2. Susan Cooper says:

    I loved this video. It really lifted my spirits. My you have the best holiday ever. 🙂

  3. Stunning carol! Could you send me the link for that if it’s on youtube? Your video is too big on my phone send I can’t make it go to youtube. Lovely. I would.like to show to my family

  4. I loved this Carol! What a joyous way to begin my Christmas Day. This is why I wrote the post last week about taking time to really see…today is a gift from God to us…we must saturate ourselves with each moment…no need to rush through it! Have a blessed Christmas Day!

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