Be you: embrace it all

July 29, 2024

This brought to mind someone I know who is very critical of everyone around him. He’s got something to say about most people. When you’re around someone like that, you can’t help but wonder if you, too, are being judged.

In fact, you know you are.

And then it’s easy to start to question those parts of you that are, well, human. And flawed.

When maybe you need to be embracing them. It’s okay to be you.

Oh, I don’t mean accepting things that we need to change about ourselves. We all have those. I mean having compassion for the fact that we are all works in progress.

We’re going to fall short from time to time and maybe even more often.

Forgive yourself. Maybe others won’t forgive you, but what’s really important is that you forgive yourself. And others, too. Being generous of spirit never hurt anyone.

Today’s message is Be You…in all your beautiful glory.


6 comments on “Be you: embrace it all
  1. Laurie Stone says:

    One of the benefits of getting older is how we accept ourselves more. Let’s face it, at this point, we are who we are. I want to believe I’ve improved in this way.

  2. Alana says:

    Loved this message.

  3. Beth Havey says:

    Thanks, Carol. Your message is the best…though When I get my post to you late…that might reflect my beautiful glory…LOL.

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