How to use fashion, food, fiesta and family as coping mechanisms
February 2, 2025
I’m back east, in snowy western New York state. Haven’t seen a cardinal yet, but sure would like to….they represent hope during turmoil.
But never fear: Our blogging group has found tried and true coping mechanisms for these difficult days.
This week, Rebecca Olkowski, with writes about fashion trends for women over 60. Not that there are any clothing rules at this age, as we all embrace our individuality. These are just suggestions to look and feel your best.
Meryl Baer of Musings of a Shore Life escaped winter in the northeast, temporarily, for a destination warmer and sunnier than the cold gray skies at home. She discovered a place close to Paradise in the mountains of Mexico, as she describes in this week’s post.
Check out this list of 25 books recommended by the Food Tank that answer the question why about food, Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist suggests. Among the topics are how bread got cheaper, why attempts to reform farming and food policy in sub-Saharan Africa haven’t succeeded, why New Orleans is famous for its amazing food, and why only a few large corporations came to dominate agriculture.
For Laurie, it seems like last week her sons were little boys sitting on the school bus. This week they’re in their thirties with full beards and lives of their own. What happened? Where did the time go? Here are five reasons Laurie’s glad sons were invented…
And don’t forget …you can find gently supportive grief and healing tools right HERE.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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Thanks Carol! Always great stuff.
Loved yours, girl!