London Dispatch: Hare Krishna Festival of the Chariots

June 13, 2013
Handout we were given on the street. We're all for pleasure!

Handout we were given on the street. We’re all for pleasure!

Our Sunday stroll was interrupted by a delightful sight: the Hare Krishna celebration of Rathayatra–a huge street festival. Its parade includes three huge wooden chariots pulled by hand in a grand procession, and I do mean grand. You can probably just make out the singing, chanting and dancing to drum and cymbals that we heard–see the video below.

The parade was followed by what we now call the “garbage floats.”  I’m not kidding–these city garbage trucks brought up the rear the whole way:

krishna garbage

The Krishna devotees we ran into (redhead above is one) seemed very excited about the festival, which also included a stage show in Hyde Park and a vegetarian prasadam feast. Along with non-stop chanting of the maha-mantra.

How about some George Harrison and others doing the chant? It’s a little more mellow than what we heard, but I love George.


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