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Well he has a point and usually you remember things better if you experience but I would have liked a heads up on “Enjoy your flexibility as when you grow older you may not be able to do back bends and not suffer the price 🙂
I would’ve liked the heads up on menopause-stuff beyond the well-known hot flashes. Now THAT was a surprise. 😉
And girl, if you can even TRY to do back bends, well, blue ribbon to YOU! 😉
I think that No One ever Told me Anything means he wasn’t listening. Heck people are always telling me way more than what I want to know…
I love this. We will never know why we are here, so why waste time trying to figure it out. Some things will always been unkown.
Nice :>)
It is the opposite of inspirational quotes!
I can understand why he thinks the kids should learn the “hard way” like he did – it seems everyone wants the rainbow without working for it – no more “hard way” its all the “easy way” or I whine.
And besides, the young folks don’t seem to think we know anything anyway – and by the time they realize we really do “know” … they have already screwed it up and learned it the hard way.