Random Thoughts on Tuesday Morning

July 28, 2009

Friends are traveling in the Southwest; their blog posts about it give me a yen for red rock country. I find a sense of peace and tranquility at Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona, any red rocks, really. A couple years ago I did two relaxing spa vacations in the same year among them. Memorable times of spiritual expression and serenity. I am hoping M and I can visit soon.

“Yo! Professor! Check this out!” One of my student prefaces every conversation with me like that. It makes me laugh. Last night, his variation was this: “Yo, Dr. C!” Then an aside: “Anyone who’d call me on my stuff HAS to be a doctor!” Alas, no. But funny! I’m thinkin’ I might get cited by the guardians of public morality. Several students have come up with a very cool theme for our “client” project that involves an event called a “Suck-Off”. I know it sounds bad, but it’s perfectly appropriate for the product, in line with the client’s thinking, and creative. But it did give me a moment of discomfort last night. Til I considered the concept of “academic freedom.”

Sleep is incredibly elusive. I can stay down for five hours, then I am up. Even Riley slugs out in bed for hours longer than I do. Seems like I have so much going on, but really, I used to do most of what I’m doing now AND have a full-time job. How did I do it?

See this pretty barrel tile roof? Looks nice, huh. Well, can I tell you how many times I’ve had roof leaks on my pretty Mediterranean roof? See this pan? I’ve got one on the floor in my foyer right now. It’s catching the leak from yesterday’s huge downpour and those yet to come.
Roofer comes to fix it on Friday morning. A different roofer. Because another roofer fixed a leak in the exact same spot a year or two ago. Obviously, an inept roofer. Or one who thought he’d guarantee this year’s revenue. Not.

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