Hot town, summer in the city

July 30, 2012

Off this morning for New York City because it’s that time again: BlogHer ’12 starts Thursday and my extra suitcase space is just waiting for all that swag! And as usual, I’ll blog some of the interesting sights during the conference.

Martha Stewart and Katie Couric are keynoting, but in BlogHer fashion, that means a live, on-stage interview with one of the founders.  The conference schedule looks diverse, if maybe a little disjointed.  We’ll see.

It’s a trip of almost 3,000 miles, so why not leverage it? We’re going in a few days early for some urban adventures.  {Yes, I know I was in NY week before last, but that was Rochester, in western NY, a good ways from Manhattan. In case you aren’t up on your NY geography.}

M’s got a plan to have dinner with one of his partners while I party with a former Tampa colleague who’s also coming for the conference. M’s niece and her boyfriend will join us for dinner one night–she was born just as M. and I were splitting up, all those years ago, so we’ll meet for the first time. And my friend Ricki and I will also have a chance to hang out a bit.

And then, there’s all NYC has to offer–which is considerable.

We’ve got tickets to Clybourne Park and Once on Broadway, and we may see another play if we’re in the mood. We’re talking about MOMA and still figuring out what other delights we’ll be in the mood for.

It’s been about half a dozen years since I’ve been to the Big Apple, so despite the summer humidity, I am stoked! the only thing that would make it even better would be if it were Fashion Week.

Going to be at the conference? Hollah! Find me.

We are still pondering what to do in New York City. Got a must-do for me while I’m there? I’m listening!

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