Feedback questionnaires: why do we have to rate every little thing

October 1, 2024

feedback-questionnaireI bought tickets for an event in London the other day. It was simply “click and buy.” It took about five seconds.

And about five seconds after that, I got this email:

My name is Isabel and I’m part of the Research team at Fever.We noticed that you recently purchased a ticket for The Exhibition, and we would love to hear about your experience.Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us and will help us provide the best experiences.Could you spare 2 minutes to complete a short questionnaire about your purchase experience? As a thank you, we’ll give you a £7 gift code afterwards.

Ok. Now, seriously.

My experience lasted exactly five seconds. It would take me significantly longer to complete the questionnaire! So, “NO! I can not spare 2 minutes to complete your questionnaire about my five second experience!”

Must we rate every single transaction? I know you, like me, get a message like this after every single thing you do online. It’s out of control!

I used to go along with them. But no longer. My time’s more important than that.

And now it feels like bad customer service, just the reverse of their intention.

Is there a particularly ridiculous “feedback questionnaire” you’ve gotten lately? I’d love to hear about it in the comments, below.

One comment on “Feedback questionnaires: why do we have to rate every little thing
  1. Bobi says:

    I have mixed feelings about this. I’ve gotten some obnoxious ones and a few sites actually want me to rate it before I use it which is really silly. That being said, sometimes I have such a rotten experience I can’t wait to vent and I enjoy getting one. I’m also willing to do surveys that offer an incentive if I plan to make another purchase in the near future.
    You probably don’t shop at Wal-Mart, but if you use their self checkouts, at the end of the transaction, they want you to rate your experience from one to five stars. This irritates me so every time, I make sure to press one star. I probably should do five, though, because I’m a great cashier!

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