How to make the most of this new year, fresh start

January 1, 2025


Each new year gives us a chance for a fresh start. Here are the questions I’m asking myself as the new year begins:

How did last year stack up?

What worked?

What did I enjoy?

What wasn’t so good?

What do I want to do differently this year?

How can I make that happen?

Where do I need to grow?

How can I be a a better person?

What can I do to start now?

If you’ve got questions you’re asking yourself as we turn the page, I’d love to know them.

2 comments on “How to make the most of this new year, fresh start
  1. I’m answering these questions
    to start 2025.

    1. What do I want to experience?

    Think about the moments and feelings
    that light me up! What do I want more of?

    2. How do I want to learn/grow?

    What skills, knowledge, or inner qualities do I want to cultivate?

    3. How do I want to contribute to the world?

    How do I want to give back, inspire others, or share my creativity?

    Here’s the magic—ask “why” for each question, and write it down.

    Don’t overthink the answers, or worry about the “how.”

    The questions were designed by
    Vishen Lakhiani of Mind Valley.

    Hi, Carol:

    May 2025 be filled with moments
    and feelings that light you up!
    Happy New Year!

    Lynda Beth

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