Is it too late?

November 18, 2024


Not sure what happened when I turned 72, but it was like a switch turned. Life was all of a sudden different.

Or rather, I was.

I was more…tentative. The future was fuzzy. So were my eyes when I drove at night. My body creaked a whole bunch more than it ever had.

After a few falls without serious injury, I began feeling tentative about each step, scanning the area for tripping hazards. Now THAT was new.

A bit of the blues crept in. What on earth was happening to me?

Is this what comes with aging?

Well, in a word? Yes.

Inside every older person is a younger version of themselves wondering what the heck happened?

Too late, echoed in my head. Too late for many things.

Of course I know that the future doesn’t extend as far as it used to, but still. Is it too late to do anything but wait till the end?

And then, a friend talking about the effects of aging, said:

too-late“It’s not too late for simple pleasures.”

It stopped me short.

Simple pleasures.

“As we age, we do appreciate them more profoundly,” they went on to say.

And that sounds about right.

I’m 73.

I don’t need to hang glide or parasail. I won’t be climbing mountains (except in my imagination). I probably won’t even be ziplining in this life.

But there’s still a lot of pleasure to be had.

And that’s what I’ll be looking for in these next years.


9 comments on “Is it too late?
  1. Laurie Stone says:

    Love this so much. Yes, simple pleasures are the best. I love the little routines of life that bring happiness. They’re also soothing. I think you hit it on the nose with this one.

  2. Beth Havey says:

    Carol, All I can say is that you have lost nothing. You are bright, involved and flying around the U.S.and other destinations. KEEP GOING, that’s my motto. Beth

  3. Thank you for touching on a subject I am deeply curious about, and living into at age 71.

    Last week I read “Cat Brushing” (2022)
    by Jane Campbell.

    “Cat Brushing” was Jane’s first book which debuted when she was 80 years old!!

    The book explores—in brief vignettes—the interior lives and sensual worlds of thirteen old women.

    I have never read a book revealing such deep truth about what it is to be an aging woman.

    Next Level!💥

  4. Amy says:

    Thank you for this! This happened to me starting last year when I turned 59. Something switched in me. I was falling more, more anxious and unsure of myself. I am finally doing more things that are joyful again. Finding joy in little things. Doing what feels good. Learning to trust myself again. It takes time but things are looking up.

  5. Meryl says:

    I am so with you – the tentativeness of everyday activities, and I do NOT jump into energetic, quick movements nowadays. Take it slow, I tell myself, and all will be OK. And think twice before trying something new – although I often do attempt new things. It helps keep me young-at-heart. But within reason!

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