Summertime vibe

June 23, 2024


I’m just back from the Pacific Northwest, and even there the summertime vibe is in full swing, though we’re barely past the official start date. In a future post I’m going to tell you about our plans to retire up there and our thought process for choosing a community. But not today.

Instead, let’s see what our Boomer bloggers have to share with you:


It’s an anxious time for many people, including Laurie. Too much to think and worry about. The world is constantly roiling with violence, destruction, and chaos. But she’s found six great stress relievers that help…


Take precautions if extreme heat comes to your area to avoid heat-related illness and even death. Check out this article from Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist for tips to stay healthy this summer.


When you were a kid did you watch Jack LaLanne? Rebecca Olkowski, with, interviewed his wife, Elaine LaLanne who is 98-years-young. She is hosting a jumping jack challenge to beat a world record for the most jumping jacks done simultaneously on July 12, 2024. The interview is amazing, and Elaine is pure delight. Please read about it here.


I’m working on something about choosing a retirement community, but it’s not ready yet. Meanwhile, here’s a heartfelt reminisce I know many of you can relate to.

And of course, I’m always happy for you to take a look at my shop, where you’ll find condolence and get well gifts that are supportive and beautiful. Find them here.


Birthdays come and go, and as we age they seem to come too soon. Meryl Baer of Musings of a Shore Life accepted the fact that she became one year older this week, and tells us how she feels about that in this week’s post.


Over on her blog, Beth Havey thinks that maybe it’s time we listen to women and thus understand their feelings about work, pressure and how to succeed. Read her thoughts here

Hope you are enjoying a summertime vibe, yourself!



5 comments on “Summertime vibe
  1. Rita says:

    Wonderful that you’re going to move to the Pacific Northwest. Lots of wonderful communities here. And, of course, lots of mild weather.

  2. Laurie Stone says:

    Good group as usual. Always a joy to read.

  3. Beth Havey says:

    Love the photos and the colors, so appropriate for this time of year! And of course all the writing is informative and helpful. Thanks, Beth

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