Some input about Karma

June 9, 2009
Here's what a friend wrote me after reading my recent post about get what you get -- the only thing that really makes a difference is how you choose to...


June 7, 2009
I had lunch last week with a colleague I wanted to reconnect with for my workshop business. She emailed me a follow-up that included this statement: You are amazing in...

Universal Truths

June 6, 2009
Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca ReiglerThe antidote for fifty enemies is...

So many blessings

June 3, 2009

Memorial Day.

May 25, 2009
This is from last year's Memorial Day celebration in Washington D.C. Great choice. Gladys still has it.War's the easy way out, you know. Just knock each other over the...

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