Merry Christmas to you all

December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas! We're making merry at our house today and I hope you're doing the same at yours. Warm wishes to you for a wonderful...

Snarky but unique holiday gifts

November 23, 2014
WARNING: THESE UNIQUE HOLIDAY GIFTS ARE NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! Holiday displays were up way before Thanksgiving this year, and the only time I liked it was when...

Real meaning of Labor Day

September 1, 2014
Labor Day was intended to celebrate the achievements of the American labor movement and workers. That's the real meaning of Labor Day. Of course, now it honors all kinds...

Prepare yourself + your pets for the Fourth of July

July 1, 2014
I'm doing my July 4 post early because you KNOW everyone will be blogging about it on "the day".  I thought you might enjoy some older July 4 posts and I wanted them...

Summer solstice!

June 21, 2014
The official start of summer was today at 6:51a.m.EDT. I don't know about you, but time seems to be going by so quickly I'm afraid if I blink the summer will be...

Wine: sunlight held together by water

March 28, 2014
Spring in wine country has none of the bustle of the fall harvest. Vines are budding--sighting of first buds is called bud-break-- and winemakers are busy with the...

What I learned this Christmas

December 26, 2013
Firemen are the hottest of all first responders. If you smell gas for 4 days, you really should call the fire department and PG&E. Just because your house didn't...

Merry Christmas to all

December 25, 2013
Thank you all for stopping by today--hope your Christmas is full of good cheer. Now, get back to it. Eat, drink and be...

A child was born / opening our hearts

December 24, 2013
A child was born in a manger, and whether we believe the whole story or not, in that moment, the face of the world changed. We don't always keep the reason for the...

Divorce, religion + the stink of hypocrisy

December 23, 2013
It was a high-profile divorce for a small city where not much of significance went on. They worked together at a company that was getting attention and one thing led to...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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