Would you remember all beings today?

November 28, 2019
The Thanksgiving holiday is a perfect time to offer this prayer of our love and kindness for all beings. It's so beautiful you might want to consider it for grace at...

Looking for the light in dark times

October 28, 2019
Many of us are looking for the light in these dark times. Does that describe you? It certainly describes me. Because I am seriously distressed with what I see from some...

The vastness is bearable only through love

September 23, 2019
Read this one slowly because each nugget is profound: Freedom is a heavy load, a great strange burden for the spirit to undertake. It is not easy. It is not a gift...

How we find comfort

August 8, 2019
We find comfort in the familiar and in my husband and my culture, it's the aromas that emanate from a Sicilian kitchen...peppers, onion, garlic, eggplant and...

Do you make a difference to those around you?

August 1, 2019
It's been almost four years since my dear friend passed away and yet, she comes to mind almost every single day. Why is that? The truth is, I don't know. I can't put my...

What do we do with our stuff…& our nostalgia?

June 27, 2019
I've tried to stay as far away as possible from Marie Kondo's book on organizing, even though I badly need help. My brain just does not think in an organized way and...

More wisdom from Sister Monica Joan

June 10, 2019
Gathered together we find our light and each spark shifts and multiplies, scattering its radiance on our ordinary lives, like everything precious, more valuable when...

Try this Navajo blessing to spread more love

May 16, 2018
I know. Our image of Native Americans is not what this Navajo blessing depicts, but of bloodthirsty savages. Well, not so fast with those stereotypes. Man has always...

How do you affect others?

April 30, 2018
Let's take a moment for self-examination. I do this, every so often, myself, and I thought I'd share. How do we affect others? Do they come away with smile? a good...

Ever wonder, “Where am I going?”

February 21, 2018
If you're like most of us, you've wondered about your life direction. Especially if you're a younger woman. As opposed to midlife or older. Because by that time, well,...

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