How dangerous is Chat GPT?

February 5, 2025
Continuing where I left off with yesterday's post, in which I had asked Chat GPT to write a blog post for me: Imagine a world where all writing and the "thinking" behind it is done for you by AI /Chat GPT. That means there is no need to teach writing and all that goes with it. Things...

The Power of Owning It

January 5, 2009
My trainer says he wants me to take Pilates less for the physical benefits and more to get me “out of my head.” That suggestion is apparently the companion to our...

You can’t win if you don’t play

January 4, 2009
Another spectacular west-central Florida coast day. Blue sky, a little haze. Breeze. Gorgeous. I spent some time sitting outside at a Starbucks with a college chum, one...

Santa Maria Porcello Cassara: Aug. 27, 1925 — Dec. 22...

December 18, 2008
IN MEMORYWITH GRATITUDE288-3095The number rings into a void, into the ether, into a tangle of central telephone office wires leading nowhere. Sprawled on top of a hill,...

Green Tea & Spam (with apologies to Dr. Seuss)

December 13, 2008
December is one of the most beautiful months in west-central Florida. Even though it's a bit chilly for Florida, the sky is very blue, the sun very bright and the palm...

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