How the Queen held space for our own grief

September 21, 2022
For many of us, Queen Elizabeth II's funeral held deeply personal meaning. Oh, we didn't know her. And maybe she wasn't our monarch. But nonetheless, we found the...

On this day, 50 years ago

July 15, 2022
It wasn't unusual 50 years ago to see this Oldsmobile Cutlass on the road. What is an Oldsmobile, you ask? It was a division of General Motors and its last car came...

Leaving this world of ours too soon, but with so much grace

July 11, 2022
The first line of her last post read The final day. My friend had been diagnosed just over a month earlier with a fast-moving terminal cancer and now, she was...

Maybe reality doesn’t bite, after all. Or maybe it do

May 18, 2022
Ok, all sorts of thoughts came up when I read this.  First, "this couldn't be true! Life isn't always delicious." But on further thought... How do we define...

When you don’t feel of this world

March 30, 2022
Just sitting the other day I had this realization that I did not feel of this world. I know, I know, Jesus says in John 18:36  My Kingdom is not of this world. And I...

Buddhist detachment and letting go can help with loss. If y...

March 15, 2022
The pain of missing someone who has transitioned can be almost unbearable. And, if I were honest: the pain of missing someone we love when they are no longer in our...

Why we need a new 10 commandments

March 9, 2022
Victoria Cayce was a talented writer, a deep thinker and a truly spiritual person. As Facebook friends, we had several deep and meaningful Messenger conversations....

New babies bring new hope

December 20, 2021
When two new babies arrived in our family recently I felt something that could only be described as renewed hope. The willingness to create new life in the middle...

Let nature teach us how to live

November 22, 2021
Stare at the pounding surf for any length of time and the enduring, relentless rhythm of nature becomes clear. It's hard to feel anything but insignificant standing...

If God is love, and He is, find him here

October 5, 2021
If, like me, you've wondered where simple human decency went, especially among professed "Christians," you will love John Pavlovitz' new book, If God is Love, Don't...

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